CYFD & AMIkids welcome first youth to new foster care multi-service home 

For Immediate Release

Jessica Preston
Deputy Communications Director
New Mexico Children, Youth, and Families Department

ALBUQUERQUE – The New Mexico Children, Youth, and Families Department (CYFD) and community provider AMIkids is welcoming its first residents at a new multi-service home for males, aged 12–17, located in Albuquerque which opened its doors earlier this month.  

The goal remains to place these youth with resource foster families. However, the youth will stay at this modern multi-service home until CYFD can match them with a qualified resource foster home or reunite them with family or relatives. The full-time ratio of residents to supervisory staff at the home is 3:1, at a minimum. Additional administrative personnel, including a full-time nurse, are on-site during business hours of the center. 

“CYFD is committed to placing all youth in need of foster care with qualified resource foster parents or relative placements,” said CYFD Cabinet Secretary Teresa Casados. “When such placements are unavailable, this new multi-purpose home allows us to care for youth in a protective, nurturing environment for as long as needed.” 

Services at the multi-service home are tailored to each youth’s needs. These services may include educational support, psychological services (such as individual and family counseling services and group therapy), basic medical care, healthcare coordination, and workforce development. Depending on each youth’s circumstances, they will either attend school outside of the facility or participate in online class in coordination with educators at the center. Youth will also be able to earn their high school diploma or GED. 

The center provides access to computers, books, games, and TV/movies in a home-like setting. Youth are welcome to decorate their rooms and common areas, so they have a personal connection to their temporary accommodations. Three meals per day are prepared on site and enjoyed family-style with posted menus for the week. Youth interested in learning how to cook can gain access to the kitchen and instruction/supervision will be provided. 

Outdoor recreational facilities include basketball and volleyball courts and related sports equipment, all housed in a large secure yard. Optional gardening projects are available for interested youth, including an herb and vegetable garden for use in meal preparation. 

“We are grateful to be able to offer such an array of support services to youth in need of guardianship who can’t be immediately placed with foster parents,” said Kathryn Fleming, Executive Director, AMIkids. “While still a refuge of last resort, AMIkids will provide the best possible solution for all our residents.”  
