Save this number: (505) 591-9444
REACH NM offers a safe, highly accessible, peer support resource and supportive space for New Mexico youth to connect with an advocate to access the resources they need. REACH NM is a direct line to a trained CYFD Advocate who can direct youth and teens to resources, open a case to start an investigation or refer them to other agencies that can help. The text line is always anonymous unless the youth decide to offer his or her name.

At REACH NM, our mission is to provide a safe, highly accessible, low threshold peer support resource and supportive space for members of our community to connect with an advocate and access the resources they need. We believe in the power of collaboration within the community and strive to create an environment that is inclusive, respectful, and empowering. By actively listening to and valuing the experiences and perspectives of each individual, we will work together to provide accurate and helpful information to those who reach out to us. By fostering a culture of open communication and mutual support, we will work towards creating a more connected and resilient community.
The REACH NM Story
In October 2020, a youth reached out to a member of the Governor’s staff via text message, asking for help. This message brought the realization that New Mexico was lacking a resource to help youth and teens in the form they are most comfortable with — text message communication.
The Governor teamed up with CYFD to create REACHNM — a number which New Mexican children and teens can text for help. Whether it’s struggles with bullying, depression, food scarcity or they just need an empathetic ear, the REACH NM text line will connect NM youth to the trained professionals and resources they need.
Why youth reach out
- To report abuse or neglect in their home or suspected abuse or neglect in someone else’s home
- To get resources for things like food scarcity in the home or homelessness
- To talk to someone about mental health concerns to find appropriate resources for depression, anxiety, or an eating disorder.
- To talk to someone about social concerns like bullying or feelings of isolation