Protective Services Overview
Protective Services Vision:
Children and youth in New Mexico live in a family environment free from abuse and neglect
To make a report of abuse and/or neglect, call 1-855-333-SAFE
CYFD’s Protective Services Division (PSD) is the state agency designated to administer Child Welfare Services in New Mexico. The PSD is mandated, in accordance with the New Mexico Children’s Code, Section 32A-4 et. seq., NMSA 1997, to receive and investigate reports of children in need of protection from abuse and/or neglect by their parent, guardian or custodian, and to take action to protect those children whose safety cannot be assured in the home. PSD is committed to providing for the well-being of the children in its care and to securing permanency for those children as quickly and as safely possible.
PSD provides child protective and other child welfare services throughout New Mexico. Administration of the child welfare program is centralized, with services provided through 29 county offices located within five designated regions.
If you are interested in becoming a foster or adoptive parent, call 1-800-432-2075